Latest Regulatory News

Latest News on Registrations of Plant Protection Products in Europe

Do you have an interest in the future of plant protection products in Europe? To increase competitiveness, our sector is pushing innovation. There are developments in biocontrol with differentiated data requirements for micro-organisms, an increase in low-risk PPP and new technologies coming via the EU Precision Application Task Force (EUPAF).

The future is positive; however, the clock is ticking. The serious decline in the development of new synthetic active substances remains a concern. There is a steady increase in the stream of new biological active substances being approved, however, the rate is insufficient to offset the losses our European farmers are facing.

What can you do? Well for starters; make use of new guidance, plan for the use of new approach methodologies and pay attention to your co-formulant assessments.

There is still work to be done and with collaboration, our agriculture sector can be more sustainable and overcome challenges such as the rising cost of food production, water shortages and political pressures.

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Latest News on Registrations of Plant Protection Products in Europe

Do you have an interest in the future of plant protection products in Europe? To increase competitiveness, our sector is pushing innovation. There are developments...

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