Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water
Date: June 04 to June 05, 2025
Location: Düsseldorf Germany
Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water
Plant protection products (PPP) are strictly regulated within the European Union. The risk management and environmental assessment of PPPs, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire plant protection industry.
The conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments. It keeps track of scientific progress, advances in environmental fate and exposure as well as recent developments in risk assessment and risk mitigation.
Newcomers to the topic of environmental behaviour of pesticides benefit from this exchange just as much as experienced e-fate managers.
You can also follow all the exciting contributions via our Live Stream! Please find further information on the virtual participation here.
Early Bird Bookings – 20% discount valid until 18 December 2024 with discount code: AGRO20
In retrospect: Highlights of the last edition
Regulatory issues
- Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 update
- View from the Northern zone
- Harmonisation in the Central zone and interzonal developments
- Feedback on risk assessment in the Southern zone
- EFSA/ECHA Guidance document on the impact of water treatment processes on residues of active substances or their metabolites in water abstracted for the production of drinking water
- Update on new hazard classes: PMT/vPvM (persistent, mobile and toxic and very persistent and very mobile) substances
- Update on the GB pesticide regulatory regime
Environmental fate
- Comparison of monitoring of pesticides in small stream in Europe and what is means for the authorisation
- Soil monitoring of pesticides and putting findings into context
Exposure, risk assessment and risk mitigation
- Status of the OECD efforts in drafting the guidelines on the PUF experiments
- Update on SDLM (Spatially Distributed Leaching Modelling) – focus on the use in regulation
- Considering precision agriculture in regulatory exposure assessments of pesticides – update on the European Precision Application Task Force (EUPAF)
- NTAs – linking e-fate effects with exposure
- Update on key steps for risk assessment of Non-Target Terrestrial Organisms (NTTO) linking exposure and effects
Who should attend this conference?
Professionals working in the fields of:
- Environmental behaviour
- Field inspection
- Research & development
- Legal & regulatory affairs
- Registration
- Ecotoxicology
- Exposure & risk assessment
- Monitoring & computer modelling
Sectors that should take part:
- Agrochemical industry
- Research institutes from the area of agriculture, soil, hydrology and air
- Authorities (agricultural inspection offices, registration and control authorities)
- Water supply enterprises
- Professional associations
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