
Dublin Biocides Symposium 2024

Date: March 20 to March 21, 2024

Location: Virtual

Dublin Biocides Symposium 2024

Fourth annual virtual symposium – a short, relevant and focused symposium which provides a chance for the biocides industry to catch up with what’s happening in the sector from a regulatory viewpoint and keep up to date with latest developments. The format is convenient and fits easily into your day (split over two mornings).

Confirmed presentations by:

Dr Joost van Galen, Chair of the Biocidal Products Committee, ECHA, Finland: Current BPC Activities

Lucas Kalkers, Policy Advisor, Ctbg, The Netherlands: Experiences from the Ctgb

Zameer Bhunnoo, Biocides Policy Advisor, Health and Safety Executive, GB: Update on the Situation with Biocide Regulation in GB

Hazel O’Keeffe, Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP, Belgium: Spotlight on Treated Articles under the BPR

Dr Mervyn Parr, Risk Manager, Pesticide Registration and Control Division, Ireland: EU Biocide Developments – An Irish Perspective

Mike Prince, Chairman EUOTA: In Situ – The Example of Ozone

Kerstin Schrade, Vali Consulting GmbH, Germany – National restrictions in self- service for biocides – is a national registration using a simplified procedure the way out?

Jules Bossert, Sector Group Manager, Biocides for Europe, CEFIC, Belgium: Guidances, factsheets, CA finalised documents, … navigate your way with all these documents

Trine Østergaard Jensen, Berit Lindegaard, Jonas Stenbæk, Danish Technological Institute: Efficacy Testing Requirements for Preservatives (PT7/PT9)

Dr Stephen Rayner, Zoë Pearson, Broadway Colours, UK: Practical Implications of Treated Articles containing Antimicrobial Masterbatch


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