Related Agrochemical Capabilities

LKC will help you gain EU approval on many other complex agrochemical situations, including:


Wetting, sticking and anti-foaming agents mixed with a plant protection or plant stimulating product claiming to improve efficacy must be registered under Regulation 1107/2009. Currently, with no unified registration process across all EU member states, adhering to national law in each Member State is necessary. LKC’s clients benefit from our experience in this complex process.


Biostimulants and Fertilisers

Since July 2022, Regulation 2019/1009 is now applicable in the EU to regulate products with biostimulant claims under Product Function Categories. LKC technical and regulatory resources can support your new product applications by providing scientific evidence demonstrating agronomic efficiency.


Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is key for preventing the development of pest populations. Through sustainable use of plant protection products (PPP) at justified economic and ecological levels, the risks to human health and the environment can be reduced via variations in dose rates and applications when incorporated in a suitable IPM strategy. LKC has the technical resources to help you develop your product portfolio.


Precision Agriculture

Modern farming involves precision agriculture, including digital techniques for monitoring and optimising agricultural production processes. The complex interaction between crop, pathogen, and their environment can be modelled using a weather-based forecasting programme to predict first appearance, calculate infection pressure for diseases, and estimate crop yield and loss. The link of models to Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides European growers with disease risk analysis, such as whether PPP is needed, which one, and optimum timing. LKC clients can integrate our resources into your product development to improve crop disease control.



To successfully market your plant protection products, assessments on the performance, effectiveness, safety and economic benefits is key. But the need for a mandatory efficacy evaluation during the product authorisation process can be challenging. Luckily, LKC resources help your efficacy evaluations to reassure European growers on the effectiveness and economic benefit of your products, such as increasing yield and minimising the impact from possible adverse effects. All LKC clients benefit from resources for key areas such as product development, registration strategies, maximising proprietary data use, label extension, multi-use formulations, application, resistance, and comparative assessments.


Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) and Import Tolerances (IT)

When food commodities treated with locally approved plant protection products are exported worldwide, they must meet the Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) accepted in the commercial market destination governed by EU Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. To facilitate international trade, the term Import Tolerance (IT) is a MRL set by an importing country. For over 20 years, our clients have benefitted from LKC resources when obtaining MRLs for EU and Codex Alimentarius by database analysis, risk assessments, data generation and application processes. To apply for MRLs or IT within the EU, Switzerland, GB or a Codex country, contact LKC today.


Talk to us about any aspect of your agrochemical product approval process within Europe. Contact Matthew or one of the LKC team today. We’re looking forward to assisting you with your commercial sales expansion. Email or telephone +41 (0) 61 906 8500.

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P.O. Box 167
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Phone: +41 (0) 61 906 8500


Registration Number: CHE-113.597.134

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